jeudi 8 mars 2012

Nvidia joins the Linux Foundation, will soon open source drivers?

The Linux Foundation, responsible for promoting the adoption of free software, welcomes new members, including the manufacturer Nvidia.

The specialist Nvidia graphics processors Intel and AMD joins the ranks of the Linux Foundation. So far, members of the open source community has tried to bring a GNU / Linux on a device embedding a graphics chip manufactured by Nvidia were often perform reverse engineering, that is to say, studying the code of drivers not distributed as open source can change without autorisatoin for communicating with the system.

In an official statement, Scott Pritchett, vice president of the Linux Nvidia says, "we joined the Linux Foundation will accelerate our collaboration with various organizations (...) to shape the future of Linux".

The question is whether Nvidia will follow the movement of its competitors by publishing the source code for its drivers. This is particularly the strategy followed by AMD's Radeon GPU.

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